What kind of music do you listen to?
Should Pentatonix be Promoted by Christians?
My social media feeds have been inundated this past month with videos of Christian carols by the band Pentatonix. The first time I saw the Pentatonix video of the carol song "Mary, Did You Know" I was impressed by the vocal talent in the production, but something didn't seem right. They did not strike me as portraying the image of the average evangelical Christian artist. It is almost unheard for a Christian artist to be promoted on the world's stage like this.
Well, thank God for the common grace of Google.
While at least one member of the band publicly claims to be a Christian, two other members are openly gay. Furthermore the band is active in promoting the LGBTQ agenda. All this at the same time as taking advantage of the evangelical Christian market which may be their top target in selling albums.
But, hey, it's a free country and anyone can do what they want as long as they do not break the law and/or hurt others, as the old progressive principle holds. Delight in Truth does not have a problem with Pentatonix and their rebellion against the moral code of Scripture, as much as with the Evangelical crowd which claims to be under the authority of Scripture and who loves Pentatonix.
Dear Christians, if you find the Word of God as inspired and authoritative, please stop buying, promoting, liking, posting, and applauding these Pentatonix videos. Would you listen daily to an openly gay pastor who promotes the LGBTQ lifestyle and preaches "really good?" If no, then why promote Pentatonix?
The false gospel of acceptance has made its way into the church via music and artistic expression, and now we are reaping the consequences. Scripture is being challenged and disregarded on the issue of sexual morality, and especially homosexuality. Large churches like the Presbyterian Church USA and Evangelical Lutheran Church have blown up over the issue, and the Anglican Church (80 million members) is next.
As time goes by, more and more churches will concede and accept into membership and even ordain those who identify with and practice the LGBTQ lifestyle in open rebellion to Scripture. On the other hand it has to be this way. As we get closer to the Second Coming of Christ the warning given by apostle Peter stands true: "that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires."
We must stand true to Scripture. We must stand with those who hold it as authoritative, and not with those who rebel against.xt
I was shocked to find that you praise Google in your post. As I'm sure you are aware, Google is an active promotor and advocate of homosexuality. To list just a few examples, they have promoted gay marriage, gay adoption and a homosexual lifestyle in a major ad campaign this past April, have posted pro-gay "doodles" on their homepage, have an internal working group for employees called "Gaygler," and advocated for homosexual marriage in the Supreme Court decision. All of this is very clearly against Scripture and the Bible, and all true Christians should avoid Google at all costs, and should definitely not praise it in an article or encourage others to use it. They have done far more to promote the homosexual agenda than Pentatonix, for example, and any Christian who uses Google is complicit in an agenda that is working against God and Christianity. I would hope that in the future, you will never use Google again, just as you will never listen to Pentatonix. We must apply Scripture equally and cannot selectively apply it only to companies or groups we don't like. By the way, the list of companies that actively promote and support gay marriage (going as far as donating money to pro-homosexual organizations) also extends to others such as Apple and Facebook, so I would hope that when you speak of your "social media feed," you were not referring to Facebook, who are vocal proponents of a homosexual lifestyle. There are a number of issues in this post that any Scripture-adhering Christian should be deeply concerned with, the least of which is Pentatonix.
Clearly all sin leads to death per Rom 6:23. Even the most insignificant (to us) sin separates from God and must be atoned for.
Having said that, certain sins affect us differently. Some may be more difficult to overcome (example: sexual sin vs. theft), or some may destroy our bodies to a greater degree (alcoholism, sexually transmitted disesase, etc), and all destroy us spiritually speaking. Just consider that not all sin has the same effect on body/mind even though the effect on the spirit is the same (spiritual death).
How is quoting the word of God verbatim 'lost in translation'?!?
Read it again, 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.' Now, let's get the original Hebrew - shakab- to lie down;zakar- male; ishshah- woman, wife, female; toebah - abomination: source - https://biblehub.com/hebrew/8441.htm
The only way you can misinterpret this is if you twist the truth to 'fit' your own opinions.
As for love, I didn't say they don't love, God did. They 'burn in their lust', that's what these perversions are rooted in and based on, according to God Almighty.
You have no desire for God's truth, you only come here to push forth a homosexual agenda that is in direct violation with God and His truth. You need to repent of all of your vileness and plead with God to save you, or else you will face eternal wrath. Christ died and rose from the dead to reconcile sinners back to a holy God-a God who will NOT tolerate any sin of any kind - no exceptions, no excuses. Your human wisdom is worthless when compared to God's truth, which will stand the test of time.
Here is what the Bible says about the heart of every man/woman, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is the mind, thoughts, intentions, will - the whole 'inner man'. Notice what it says, 'deceitful', which means full of trickery. Desperately wicked means 'incurable, sick. This is the case with every person ever born, they are depraved in their thinking which leads to comments like the ones you make. You defend and excuse what God calls sin. Then you attempt to blame it on faulty translations, even though you were given multiple verses. Here's another one for you, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. " 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
This isn't whether or not I 'agree' with homosexuality, this is what God says about it; and this musical group claims to be 'Christian'. Read the post before you go off on a tangent. They can sin to their hearts content, but be made aware, they are NOT Christians and God WILL judge all who continue on in rebellious, willful sin.
God calls sinners wicked, evil,
The bible commands the elect of God to examine fruit. You cannot be a practicing homosexual and a Christian, as the word of God plainly teaches - "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? The Bible calls homosexuality a sin- God commands sinners to repent and believe on Christ. Here are the scripture references - 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Lev. 18:22, Matt. 15:19-20; Acts 17:30